We are dedicated to helping people reach their employment goals and provide support every step of the way. For 30 years, we have assisted people in finding employment in the community, and currently partner with over 50 employers in the area. We take a person-centered approach and are excited to help people find the right career path!
There are a variety of work-related services that we provide to our service recipients. These include:
We are licensed through the Minnesota Department of Human Services to provide the following long-term waiver services
Exploration activities and experiences strengthen a person’s knowledge, interests and preferences so they can make informed decisions about whether they are interested in pursuing competitive employment.
The Employment Development Plan phase helps the person plan their work goals and discover personal strengths, interests, and conditions for employment. The Employment Development Find phase helps the person search for and obtain competitive, integrated employment or develop a microenterprise business.
Individualized services and supports that help people maintain paid employment in community businesses/settings through job coaching support.
We provide transportation services to assist people in getting to and from work as well as job search and exploration activities.
We contract with Minnesota and Wisconsin Rehabilitation Services to provide vocationally-based wrap-around services based on an individual’s needs, interests, and experiences. We offer the following service options:
The following services are available to individuals transitioning from High School:
Additionally, we contract with IRIS in the State of Wisconsin and with The Ticket to Work Program through the Social Security Administration to assist people in finding and maintaining employment.
CHOICE, unlimited
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